Our Team
Lori Lewis, Ph.D.
Dr. Lori Lewis is the owner of Analytical Evaluation Consultants, LLC (AEC). (She has owned an operated an evaluation research consulting firm) since December 1994. She is recognized nationally as a leader in program evaluation and market transformation measurement. Her work includes leading evaluation and policy analysis (primarily energy efficiency efforts) across all sectors: impact and process evaluation, market assessments, non-energy benefits, and survey and research design, addressing difficult research issues, and creating cutting-edge theoretical and method advances for this field.
Dr. Lewis has developed innovative advances and transferring/adapting methods from one field to another. Her innovative work includes projects in Massachusetts; New York; California; Québec, Canada; the Pacific Northwest; and Ontario, Canada. In 1990, she was among the first to introduce Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) for energy efficiency evaluation billing analysis, a regression technique which has become the standard in the field for almost 30 years. She was an associate team member whereby nested-logit modeling was first used to determine net impacts (program impacts that changed behavior versus those where customers would have taken the action anyway) for energy efficiency program evaluation.
Dr. Lewis has been an invited expert reviewer for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on 16 projects since 2006.
Dr. Lewis was the manager of evaluation and research for the City of Austin’s Environmental and Conservation Services Department from 1989–1992. She managed a team of evaluation and research mechanical engineers, econometric-database analysts, environmental engineers, and a quality assurance engineer. She led her team to develop several advances in impact evaluation and policy tools involving both energy and environmental analyses. The environmental impact work led to her being requested to be a reviewer for the nationally used Pace University Center for Environmental Legal Studies’ Environmental costs of Electricity in 1990.
Her recent work includes significant input and oversight on residential lighting and products evaluation and research. She has also performed work on an efficiency program evaluation for Maine and research using state demographics (cohort-component model) for the development of a strategic plan for a private school in Rhode Island.
An early pioneer in the fields of causality assessment, determining the level of impacts induced by the program as compared to those that would have occurred without the program (net-to-gross, free-ridership, use of nested logit models, attribution in the energy efficiency field) and non-energy impacts in the early 1990’s. Several of her important projects in these areas were sponsored in New York from 1992–1995. Her method for estimating non-energy impacts was turned into a book for sale by the American Gas Association in 1995.
Some of her nationally-recognized experience include her roles leading the development of the Impact Evaluation Protocol for the 2006 California Evaluator’s Protocols, the Impact Evaluation chapter of the 2004 California Evaluation Framework, and her key roles in the Sampling and Uncertainty Protocol, Effective Useful Life Protocol, and review role for the M&V Protocol among others (e.g., Market Effects Evaluation Protocol).
She led a team of seven (7) firms which conducted the impact evaluations for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). These evaluations totaled over $5 million in 2009 and covered NYSERDA’s vast range of programs, including Commercial, New Construction, Technical Assistance, Low-Income (EmPower), Research & Development, and several others.
Dr. Lewis has collaborated on at least 72 projects as senior researcher relevant to energy efficiency evaluation, economic, fiscal, and environmental impact analyses She was also a senior technical employee for the State of Texas where she was on a team that developed the State of Texas forecasting model and conducted both legislative revenue analysis and local area market research.
Analytical Evaluation Consultants is certified by the U.S. Veteran’s Administration as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). AEC is also a certified woman-owned small business (WBE & DBE certified) in multiple states including Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
AEC has consisted of up to four employees in the past. Additional staff or subcontractors can be obtained as the work warrants.