NEEP EMV Glossary of Terms and Acronyms - Free Download
The NEEP EMV Glossary of Terms and Acronyms is intended to define and explain terms used in the evaluation, measurement, verification (EMV), and market research of electric and gas energy efficiency, conservation, load management, demand response, and other demand reduction activities that regulators, policy-makers, and other non-technical readers will encounter as they pursue their work. Included are terms commonly used in the processes of evaluation, measurement, and verification; terms associated with the energy efficiency measures being installed and the equipment or facilities within which they are installed; terms associated with program strategies that might be included in EMV studies; and other terms often found in evaluation reports.
The Regional EM&V Forum is a project managed and facilitated by the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership, Inc. The Forum’s purpose is to provide a framework for the development and use of common and/or consistent protocols to measure, verify, track and report energy efficiency and other demand resource savings, costs and emission impacts to support the role and credibility of these resources in current and emerging energy and environmental policies and markets in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. Participating states in 2009 include the New England states, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. For more information see